Monday, May 29, 2017

Harry Potter

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This time I wanna share about my favorite Novel also Movie which is Harry Potter.This novel is one that never make me bored even though have read and watch many times over and over again

Let's get start it :D

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels composed by English writer J. K. Rowling. This novel tells about the adventures of a teenage wizard named Harry Potter and his best friend, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, who are students at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. The core story in these novels centers on Harry's attempt to defeat the evil black wizard named Lord Voldemort, who is ambitious to be an immortal being, conquer the wizarding world, master the non-magicians, and destroy anyone who blocks his path, especially Harry Potter.

This novel tells of Harry Potter, an orphan boy who at the age of eleven knows that he is a magician, lives in a wizarding ordinary world, or Muggle. His magical abilities are innate and he is invited to attend a school that teaches about his skills and Magic knowledge. Harry later became a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, and there most of the novel's story took place. At Hogwarts, Harry through his teenage years, he learns to overcome the various problems he faces: magic, social and emotional, including ordinary teen issues such as love, friendship, and school exams, as well as the greatest test to prepare him for the confrontation that lies ahead.

In the first chapter of the first novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, it is told that extraordinary events have taken place in the wizarding world, a very remarkable event, even the Muggles see the signs. The background of this extraordinary event and the figure of Harry Potter is expressed gradually throughout the series. After the introductory chapter, the novel story jumps years later, just before the eleventh anniversary of Harry Potter, and at this point, the background of Harry Potter begins to unfold.

Harry's first contact with the wizarding world was through a half-giant human named Rubeus Hagrid, guard and caretaker at Hogwarts. Hagrid reveals about Harry's past history.
Through Hagrid's story, Harry learns that when he was a baby, he witnessed the murder of his parents by a wicked black magician named Lord Voldemort, who then also attempted to kill him. For unknown reasons, the spell that Voldemort shot to kill Harry turned to him. Harry survived by leaving a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead as evidence of the attack, and Voldemort disappeared. After surviving Voldemort's attack, Harry becomes a living legend in the wizarding world. However, on the orders of a distinguished and famous wizard named Albus Dumbledore, Harry the orphan was entrusted to his unpleasant Muggle relative, the Dursleys. The Dursleys were willing to take care of Harry, but decided to keep secret things magically from him in the hope that Harry would grow "normal".

With Hagrid's help, Harry prepares to live his first year at Hogwarts. Harry began to explore the wizarding world, readers will be introduced at various major locations used throughout the series. Harry meets most of the main characters in the series, including two figures who would later become his best friends: Ron Weasley, a wizard from a pure, ancient but poor wizarding family, and Hermione Granger, an intelligent magician from a non-magical or Muggles. At Hogwarts, Harry also meets the potion guru Severus Snape, who shows his hatred and dislike of Harry. The first book plot concludes with a second confrontation between Harry and Lord Voldemort; Voldemort seeks to regain immortality by gaining power from the Sorcerer's Stone, the substance that gives him eternal life, and Harry and his friends try to thwart it.

Harry Potter's novels classified into the genre of fantasy literature, however, in many ways these novels can also be categorized as transitional age novels, and also contain elements such as mystery, adventure, thriller, and romance. Harry Potter is considered part of the story of a boarding school of children in England.

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