Sunday, August 13, 2017

Avocado Benefits

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Avocado (Persea Americana) in standard Indonesian language according to Big Indonesian Dictionary called as Avokad, is a fruit that we often encounter. This versatile fruit has a lot of manfaaat and efficacy for humans. There are many substances that are rich in the benefits contained in this fruit. Green fruit is often used for juice or ingredients in the ice mix and other dishes. It's delicious to make a lot of people love it. Some people are afraid to consume because it is considered to have a high fat content. What are the benefits and efficacy of avocado or avocado? 

Avocado comes from the Aztec language Ahuacati. This fruit originates from the area where the Aztecs came from Central America and Mexico.Initially this fruit was introduced by Martin Fernandez de Enciso, one of Spayol's troop leaders, in 1959 to the Europeans. At the same time, the Spayol troops who colonized Central America also introduced chocolate, maize and potatoes to the European community. Since then the avocado or avocado fruit began to be spread by many inhabitants of the world.

Many benefits derived from avocado fruit, both for health and beauty. The following article will discuss all the benefits contained in this one fruit. Here are some of the benefits of avocado for health that you need to know:

⃟ Lower Cholesterol Levels 
Avocado fruit is rich in beta-sitosterol content that can kill bad cholesterol in your body. Eating an avocado 1 piece per day can also lower the phospholipid level. Instead, the consumption of avocado fruit that has been washed and peeled skin directly.

⃟ Prevent Prostate Disease 
Inside the avocado contains some powerful active compounds to clean toxins and detoxify naturally. One of the compounds contained in the avocado is an acidic oil substance. This substance is useful to prevent prostate disease in men.

⃟ Keeping Heart and Heart Health 
Folate is one of the active compounds that can protect the liver, heart and other vital organs from all kinds of diseases. Eating avocados regularly can make your heart and heart healthier, because apples contain a lot of folate. For those of you who suffer from heart or liver disease, can eat avocado by the way in the juice or eaten directly.

⃟ Reduce High Blood Pressure 
A glass of avocado juice can reduce your high blood pressure. Eat avocado juice at least once a week to maintain the stability of your blood pressure. 

Thus the benefits of avocado fruit that may not have many people know. Eating avocado is not only useful as a healthy diet food, but also can maintain the stability of your health. 

However, there are also benefits of avocado fruit for your skin's beauty. No need to use expensive shortcuts and the risk of getting healthy pretty skin. Here are the benefits of avocados that you should look at:

⃟ Make Your Skin Shine 
Vitamin A and E in the flesh of avocados efficacious to moisturize the skin and make skin look shiny. Avocado fruit is a natural remedy to overcome dry and dull skin. For that, for those of you who experience dry skin, try to start eating avocados regularly.

⃟ Caring for the Scalp 
Do you have an itchy and unhealthy scalp? The main natural solution is to consume avocado fruit rich in protein sources, some vitamins and amino acids.

⃟ As Natural Skin Sunscreen 
As has been described above that the avocado fruit is rich in protein, vitamins and amino acids. All these nutrients can protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and free radicals.

Lots of benefits that can be taken from the avocado, is not it? Eating fruits let alone on a regular basis, very good for health and keep your skin. Fruits are like shields that protect your body from free radical attack.


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